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Investments that advocate philanthropy and global transformation by exemplifying the great commission and the spread of the gospel.
Engage investments that promote religious freedom, pro-life, pro-family, and the greater good of society in alignment with the ethics of Jesus.
Avoid investments that support causes contrary to a biblical worldview such as abortion, human trafficking, media censorship, and lgbtq+ activism.
Chad Frantzen founded Authentic Counsel, LLC
as a boutique, independent investment advisory firm with the mission to serve the evolving wealth management and financial planning needs of families, entrepreneurs and business owners in Texas.
Most recently, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 global pandemic of 2020, Chad Frantzen and Billy Epperhart created WealthBuilders Investments to help clients apply Biblical principles to their wealth management goals while placing a high priority on making an impact for the Kingdom of God through finance.
This testimonial was provided by Lance Wallnau, a current client of WealthBuilders Investments. Compensation is being provided for this testimonial in the form of a percentage of the individual’s total advisory fee as a client of the firm. The promoter, due to such compensation, has an incentive to recommend the adviser, resulting in a material conflict of interest.
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Next, if spots are available, you'll be redirected to our scheduling calendar. Here, you'll have exclusive access to our team for a free consultation. Begin your journey as a Kingdom Impact Investor today.
Step 3: Create Your Investing Plan
Please arrive prepared for our meeting. We'll assess your financial situation and craft a tailored investing plan, setting you on the path to becoming a Kingdom Impact Investor.
Chad Frantzen is the founder and visionary for Authentic Counsel, LLC and WealthBuilders Investments. Chad has over 22 years of experience serving families in the financial services industry to help them gain financial freedom and clarity. Chad grew up in East Texas and holds a business degree from Texas A&M University where he also played football as a linebacker and 12th Man. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Global Awakening Theological Seminary.
Chad enjoys time with family, sports, traveling, hunting and fishing. Creating a kingdom legacy impact is a priority in work and relationships. Chad and his wife, Kelli, are proud parents of two amazing world changers, Tyler and Hannah.
Caleb was born and raised in South Texas and found his way to Colorado when he attended Colorado Christian University in Lakewood. There he earned degrees in Accounting and Business Administration while also being awarded a baseball athletic scholarship. More recently Caleb studied for 3 years at Charis Bible College and graduated from the Charis Business School.
Combining his passions for helping others succeed in life and integrating principles of the Kingdom of God into everyday practices, made the decision to join Authentic Wealth an easy one. Caleb holds the distinction as the first associate wealth advisor for WealthBuilders Investment.
Caleb enjoys being active outdoors, traveling the world and drinking coffee!
Billy is a serial entrepreneur who has started seven businesses and owned two different franchises. Over the years, Billy has owned many investment properties across five different states. Billy's mission is to help people make sense of making money for making a difference.
Billy enjoys spending time with his family. Billy and his wife Becky have been married for 48 years. They have two children, Brooke and Brant, one daughter-in-law, Abi, and four grandsons, Brayden, Nolan, Camden, and Owen.
Billy also enjoys spending his free time fly fishing with his children and grand children.
This is for educational and informational purposes only. Past performance not a guarantee of future results. Please consider your personal goals, suitability, and risk tolerances before investing. Authentic Counsel, LLC DBA WealthBuilders Investments is registered as an investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). The Firm only transacts business in states where it is properly registered or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. SEC registration does not constitute an endorsement of the Firm by the Commission, nor does it indicate that the Firm has attained a particular level of skill or ability. Brokerage services provided to clients of Authentic Counsel LLC are offered by Charles Schwab and LPL Financial, Member SIPC/NFA. Securities offered through Cabin Securities, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Firm Disclosures: